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dc.contributor.authorTekin S.
dc.contributor.authorAyas A.
dc.description.abstractIn-service education is a training process that is an advantage for teachers' professional development. In this study, a teacher training course was developed for chemistry teachers to be able to learn some comtemporary concept teaching and learning methods, and implemented in Trabzon. 25 chemistry teachers attended this course. A case study research methodology was used in study. Data were collected by the course achievement test, course evaluation questionaire, recall- evaluate test and interviews. The achievement test findings showed that teachers' pre-test/post-test scores were meaningfully different from each others. The course evaluation questionaire findings showed that participants found course very effective. In interwievs were said that the training course were very useful to learn new teaching methods, learning approach and to gain social benefits. To develop the course according to teachers' in-service needs and to engage teachers the teaching period by doing some activities were contributed to the effectiveness of the course. It was suggested that by determining science teachers' in-service needs, different teacher training courses were organized.en_US
dc.subjectChemistry educationen_US
dc.subjectConcept teachingen_US
dc.subjectIn-service teacher trainingen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of an inservice teacher training course for chemistry teachers: The case of trabzon [Kimya ö?retmenleri için geliştirilen bir hizmet-içi e?itim kursunun de?erlendirilmesi: Trabzon örne?i]en_US
dc.relation.journalMilli Egitimen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.contributor.department-tempTekin, S., Amasya E?itim Fakültesi, Ilkö?retim Bölümü, Amasya, Turkey -- Ayas, A., Fatih E?itim Fakültesi, OFMA E?itimi Bölümü, Trabzon, Turkeyen_US

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