Toplam kayıt 6150, listelenen: 1-10
Analysis of electrical characteristics and conduction mechanisms in the Al/(%7 Zn-doped PVA)/p-Si (MPS) structure at room temperature
(SPRINGER, 2017)
The electrical properties and current-conduction/transport mechanism of Al/(%7 Zn-doped PVA)/p-Si (MPS) structure was investigated by current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and conductance-voltage (G/omega-V) ...
Antibiotics: Pharmacokinetics, toxicity, resistance and multidrug efflux pumps
The discovery of penicillin followed by streptomycin, tetracycline, cephalosporins and other natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic antimicrobials completely revolutionized medicine by reducing human morbidity and mortality ...
A completely new view to soft intersection rings via soft uni-int product
In this paper, we make a completely new approach to the classical ring theory via soft set theory, with the concept of soft intersection rings, ideals, (generalized) bi-ideals, interior ideals and quasi-ideals. Particularly, ...
Comparison of effects of different screw materials in the triangle fixation of femoral neck fractures
(SPRINGER, 2017)
In this study, biomechanical behaviors of three different screw materials (stainless steel, titanium and cobalt-chromium) have analyzed to fix with triangle fixation under axial loading in femoral neck fracture and which ...
Semi-invariant xi(perpendicular to)-Riemannian submersions from almost contact metric manifolds
As a generalization of anti-invariant xi(perpendicular to)-Riemannian submersions, we introduce semiinvariant xi(perpendicular to)-Riemannian submersions from Sasakian manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds. We give examples, ...
Three-dimensional finite element model of friction drilling process in hot forming processes
Friction drilling processes are used commonly in hot forming operations. This process is similar to drilling processes but without using chip. This process is used especially for joining thin-walled metal components. In ...
Investigation of Magnetic Properties of Phase Transformations in Copper-Based Alloys
(SPRINGER, 2017)
In this study, the magnetic properties of both Cu85.41Al9.97Mn4.62 and Cu82.41Mn13.81Al3.78 (wt%) shape memory alloys were studied. The analysis of the magnetization as a function of applied field and temperature was ...
Generalized Fourier Series as Green's Function Expansion for Multi-interval Sturm-Liouville Systems
This study aims to investigate a class of boundary-value transmission problems consisting of Sturm-Liouville equation on finite number disjoint intervals together with eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions and ...
A Generalization of Semiperfect Modules
(SPRINGER, 2017)
A module M is called radical semiperfect if has a projective cover whenever Rad(M) aS dagger N aS dagger M. We study various properties of these modules. It is proved that every left R-module is radical semiperfect if and ...