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dc.contributor.authorNezahat Kandemır
dc.description.abstractYok olma tehlikesi altinda olan Crocus reticulatus subsp. hittiticus ve Crocus cancellatus subsp. lycius'un morfolojik ve anatomik karekterleri incelenmistir. Iki endemik alttürün yayilisi Türkiye'de sinirlidir. Bitki örnekleri Güney Anadolu Bölgesi'nden toplanmistir. Hittiticus alt türü erken ilkbaharda çiçek açar, oysa lycius alt türü ise sonbaharda çiçek açar. Korm tunikalari agsi-fibrilli. Bu alt türlerin kök, gövde ve yaprak kisimlarinin enine kesitleri incelenmistir. Onlarin morfolojik ve anatomik yapilari sekillerle gösterilmistir. Iki alt türün anatomik özelliklerinin Crocus cinsinin diger türlerinin anatomik özelliklerine benzer oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ayrica, lycius alt türünün organlarindaki kristal tipleri incelenmistir.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe morphological and anatomical characteristics of Crocus reticulatus subsp. hittiticus and Crocus cancellatus subsp. lycius, which are under the danger of extinction, have been investigated. The distributions of the two endemic subspecies are limited in Turkey. The plant samples were collected from the South Anatolia Region. The subsp. hittiticus flowers in the early spring whereas subsp. lycius flowers in the autumn. Their corm tunics are coarsely reticulate-fibrous. The subsp. hittiticus has blackish anthers and purple striped outer segments. The subsp. lycius has flowers with very pale lilac coloured and veined. Also, the style of this subsp. is equal to their anthers. These morphological properties are characteristics for two the subspecies investigated. The transverse-sections of the root, stem and leaf parts of these subspecies have been examined and revealed. Their morphologic and anatomic structures are illustrated. The anatomic properties of the two subspecies have been determined to be similar to the anatomic properties of other species of the genus Crocus. Moreover, the crystal type on the organs of the subsp. lycius was investigated.en_US
dc.titleA morphological and anatomical investigation about two rare and endemic Crocus taxa (Iridaceae) from Southern Anatoliaen_US
dc.title.alternativeGüney Anadolu'daki Iki nadir ve endemik crocus taksonu üzerinde morfolojik ve anatomik bir arastirmaen_US
dc.relation.journalEurAsian Journal of BioSciences (elektronik)en_US
dc.departmentAmasya Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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