Sever disease: An important cause of heel pain in children; case report [Sever hastali?i: Çocuklarda topuk a?risinin önemli bir nedeni; olgu sunumu]
Calcaneal apophysitis is the most common cause of heel pain in children and described as "Sever disease". Sever disease typically occurs during a growth spurt and at the beginning of a new sport season. The disease is associated with only the heel pain in children and does not occur after puberty. In a child presenting with heel pain, the differential diagnosis may include achilles tendonitis, retrocalcaneal bursitis, calcaneal stress fractures, calcaneal cysts, osteomyelitis, and plantar fasciitis. Other reasons included in the differential diagnosis can be ruled out with a well-performed clinical evaluation. Although Sever disease is a common clinical entity there are quite a few documentations about this disease in national and international literature. In this article we aimed to present a 12-year-old male patient who presented with complaints of bilateral heel pain and limping, and to evaluate signs and symptoms, diagnostic approaches and treatment protocols of the disease in the light of current literature.