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dc.contributor.authorElmaci, Davut
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: From a historical perspective, it can be claimed that children in need of protection and children with special educational needs are among the groups which should be supported by society. In this context, there is also a similarity between the services for children in need of protection and special education services. However, it is seen that children in need of protection in the field of special education are not given enough attention. Method: In this review, it was aimed to determine the status of children in need of protection in the field of special education. As per this aim, through the document review method, the development in the services for children in need of protection and the services for children with special educational needs were analyzed based on documents reflecting legal regulations. The basis of the documents included Laws on Children in Need of Protection and draft laws related to these laws and Child Protection Law. Results: There exists a close relationship between the development of special education and the development of services for children in need of protection in Turkey. It was understood that these services took shape together, especially between the years 1949-1983. There are similarities between the definition of children in need of protection and children with special educational needs. Discussion: Arguments on the nature of special education also affect the relationship between special education and child protection services. It might be wrong to evaluate children in need of protection who have different conditions and needs in terms of education such as their peers who live with their parents. Children in need of protection both in terms of application and theory and philosophy must be handled in the field of special education.en_US
dc.publisherAnkara Univ, Fac Educational Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.ispartofAnkara Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi Ozel Egitim Dergisi-Ankara University Faculty Of Educational Sciences Journal Of Special Educationen_US
dc.subjectChildren in need of protectionen_US
dc.subjectchildren with special educational needsen_US
dc.subjectinclusive educationen_US
dc.subjectchild protectionen_US
dc.subjectsocial disabilitiesen_US
dc.titleChildren in Need of Protection in the Field of Special Education in Turkeyen_US
dc.departmentAmasya Üniversitesien_US
dc.authoridELMACI, DAVUT/0000-0001-9712-0727
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.department-temp[Elmaci, Davut] Amasya Univ, Amasya, Turkeyen_US
dc.authorwosidELMACI, DAVUT/D-5377-2019

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