Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3

    • Modules that have a rad-supplement in every cofinite extension 

      Türkmen B.N. (2013)
      In this paper, we study modules with the properties (CRE) and (CREE), which are adapted Zöschinger's modules with the properties (E) and (EE). It is shown that: (1) a module M has the propery (CREE) if and only if every ...
    • Rad-?-supplemented modules 

      Türkmen E. (Ovidius University, 2013)
      In this paper we provide various properties of Rad-?-supplemented modules. In particular, we prove that a projective module M is Rad- ?-supplemented if and only if M is ?-supplemented, and then we show that a commutative ...
    • Some properties of Rad-Supplemented modules 

      No doubt, a notion of the Rad-supplemented modules can constitute a very important situation in the module theory, because of a generalization of the notion of supplemented modules. Therefore, our work presents a key role ...